Ti connect ce device explorer
Ti connect ce device explorer

ti connect ce device explorer
ti connect ce device explorer

Press Result - l : 4 = 1 6 " 8 = 1 6 b B 2 b B 3 b Because the result did not change, try another factor. Choosing the simp lification factor Example: Add 4/16 + 8/16 and choose the simplification factor to redu ce the sum to lowest terms. ġ6 © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. ) Example: Add 1 3/4 + 2 4/8 and manually simplify the result.


(S ee Chapter 3 of the TI-73 Explorer Software Graphing Calculator Guidebook.


15 Fractions This example shows the stacked fraction and manual simplification features of the TI-73 Explorer™. Press Result - z 2 5 6 E b Press Result 4 M - „ b 256. ġ4 © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. Press Result 5 6 b Press Result a 5 6 b D a 5 E 6 b. Example: Compare the results of L 5 2 and ( L 5) 2. Press Result 1 1 - Œ 2 b Note: The answer is 5 with a remainder of 1. Percent C Example: Convert 75% to a decimal. Example: Calculate 11 P 2 using integer division. Integer division - Œ - Œ divides two positive int egers and displays the quotient and remainder ( r ). ġ2 © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. Press Result a 4 5 6 1 2 3 b Press Result 4 5 ` 6 8 F 1 2 3 b Press Result 2 8 M 1. 11 Keyboard math applications Example: Add L 456 + 123. Note: The TI-73 Explorer™ subtractio n and nega tion symbols app ear slightly different to make them easier to distinguish.

  • U s e a t o enter a negative number in an operation, expression, or on a setup screen.
  • U s e T to enter subtraction operations.
  • ġ0 © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. Note: Although it does not affect ca lcul.
  • Pressing : when the cursor is on a blank l ine clears the H ome screen.
  • ti connect ce device explorer ti connect ce device explorer

  • Pressing : while entering information clears the entry line.
  • 9 Clear : and Quit - l Clear : The : key is located just below the four cursor keys at the upper right corner of the keyboard.
  • T o return to the Home screen from the T ext Editor: Select Done in the T ext Editor and pre ss b.
  • T o access the T ext Editor, press - t.
  • Entering text -t Y ou can use the T ext Editor to key in text, s uch as alphab etic chara cters, braces, quotation marks, spaces, and relations. Ĩ © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. For example, to view the CA T ALOG menu, press - |. T o select a secondary function, first press the yellow - key, and then press a key with a secondary function. Entering secondary functions - Secondary functions are printed in yellow above the keys. Both the lat est OS and TI Connectivity Kit are available at


    Home screen The first time you turn on your TI -73 Explorer™, this screen appears: Note: Download the latest oper ating system (OS) to your Internet- enabled computer using the TI-Connecti vity Kit. Ħ © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. The next time you turn on the TI-73 Explorer, the Home screen appears with the sa. T o turn off the TI-73 Explorer, press -, and then the ^ key.T o turn on the TI-73 Explorer, press ^ locat ed at the lowe r left corner of the d evice.5 T urning on and tur ning off the T I - 7 3 E x p l o r e r ™ b Evaluates an expression, execu tes an instruction, a. 9 Lists the applicatio ns instal le d on your TI-73 Explorer. : Erases entries an d answers on the Home screen and entry line. TI-73 Explorer ™ keys $ " # ! Let you move the cursor in four directions on the screen. Ĥ © 2003 T exas Instruments Incorporated. Important Information T e xas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any im plied w arranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials ava ilable solely on an "as-is" basis. Getting Started with the TI-73 Explor er™, CBL 2™, and CBR™ C元456.

    Ti connect ce device explorer